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Welcome to our Admissions page

Here you will find all the information about how to apply for a place at one of our Brindishe Schools. Please click on the tabs under admissions for information regarding Starting Nursery, Starting School-Reception, In-Year Admissions: Yrs 1-6, Children with SEND

Open Day Visits

We are pleased to announce that school tours will be taking place this term for anyone interested in applying for a  Reception or Nursery place at our school.

The tours will be led by either the children, a staff member or a member of the Senior Leadership Team, giving you a chance to see the provision we offer and ask any questions.

Dates for upcoming tours at Brindishe Schools:

Nursery Open Days 

Brindishe Green - Email

Tuesday 25th February 2025 and Tuesday 1st April 2025 - 3.30pm

Brindishe Manor - Email

Thursday 27th February 2025 and Thursday 3rd April 2025 - 3.30pm

To book a place on one of the tours, please email your name and contact details to the info email address attached to each school. 

Reception Open Days

Brindishe Green

Please note, dates for 2025-2026 will be published in the summer term. 


Brindishe Manor

Please note, dates for 2025-2026 will be published in the summer term.


Brindishe Lee

Please note, dates for 2025-2026 will be published in the summer term.



Please do pass this information on to anyone who you know is interested in their child joining the Brindishe Schools.

Helpful Contact Details

If you can’t find the answers you require, please email the school: school office.

For any other information and advice on applying to start school (Reception) or an in-year admission:

Parental Responsibility

Please note that only adults with full Parental Responsibility should complete any of the above Admission forms. 

If you are not sure whether you have Parental Responsibility please do not complete the form but seek advice from - or you can speak to the school office